15 Types of Digital Marketing Materials You May Need

What do we mean by marketing materials, digitally? Well the commonly known offline marketing materials are posters, billboards, and flyers.

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Top 15 types of digital marketing materials you may need

1. Ebooks

This is a digital book that is accessible through electronic devices. Businesses often use ebooks to educate their audience/readers on a specific topic. The key advantages of ebooks are they are accessible online. Acquiring an e-book is an immediate process with no shipping cost. Foleon’s ebook is a great example of how a business uses an ebook as a lead magnet to encourage subscriptions newsletter emails.

2. Blog Posts

This is an article that’s featured on a blog. Businesses use blog posts to persuade a customer to have a look at their products/services. Also, they act as a center point for answering questions that consumers are searching for. Thus, this form of digital marketing material can effectively drive traffic to your website. 57% of marketers reported having gained customers through blogging.

3. Landing Pages

This is defined as a standalone page tied to a particular marketing campaign. When a potential customer clicks on your advertisement, they’re redirected to a landing page. A form requesting their contact information is usually present. The form is then used to collect information for lead generation. A great advantage of landing pages is that a business can create multiple pages for different campaigns. Airbnb’s landing page is a great example. 

4. Branded Content

This is content created by a brand that is to specifically feature in a news publication. An advantage of branded content is that these are often created in a news article-like way rather than an advertisement.

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They’ve the advantage of creating trust and confidence amongst both potential and existing customers. When a news publication outlet positively features your brand on their publication, it can be compared to as some form of authenticity verification. A study done by IPG Media-Lab reported that brand recall from branded content marketing is 59% higher than any other form of digital advertisement. 

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5. Infographics

A collection of elements such as charts and graphs that give an easy-to-comprehend overview of complex data of a specific topic is an infographic. They can be utilized as a standalone piece/blog article. Businesses often use infographics to present statistical information that could either be related to the performance of their products/services. Visually presented information processes 60,000x faster in the brain while compared to text. Thus, it is reported that 40% of consumers will respond much better to visual information while compared to plain text format. 

6. Digital Newsletters

This is an electronic report that contains news in regards to your brand’s activities. Information in a newsletter is regularly sent to your customers and even staff members/employees. They’re a great way to stay in touch with your customers as nearly 70% of brands use them for this very purpose. Moreover, digital newsletters can be used to drive website traffic with CTAs. Example, claim an offer coupon/discount if the customer buys an item in 24 hours of receiving the newsletter. 

7. Case Studies

Case studies are documents that highlight how a product/service has benefited its consumers. They are also used to feature the brand’s success as either be a single or multiple pages (s) document. Case studies are broken into 4 main components which are, the challenge, the solution, the result, and the customer’s review/testimony. The main advantage of a case study is that in the process of getting a customer’s testimony, you’re able to identify if they’d be willing to become your brand’s evangelist. This is another cost-effective method of digital marketing as the customer’s referral of your product/service is coming from an authentic place of satisfaction; increasing your brand’s online presence and bettering its reputation. Interested consumers could be further influenced by brand evangelists to try your product/service, thus increased sales and possibly brand loyalty alongside more positive reviews and referrals. 

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8. White Papers

A long-from containing in-depth pieces on a technical subject is defined as white papers. Businesses often make use of white papers to showcase their expertise in their industry. They’re similar to blog articles but they focus on highly technical subjects. Statistical reports show that over 71% of B2B buyers have utilized white papers to research purchasing decisions. A great example of a white paper is BDO’s on data privacy and GDPR.  

9. Digital Brochures

This is a brief compilation of a brand’s products/services. Qatar Airways’s digital brochure is a simple example, featuring its offerings, destinations, aircraft models, and lounges. A separate topic is covered on each page, helping a consumer focus on one section/topic at a time. 

10. Digital Product Catalogs

A digital product catalog is an extended, book-length, form of a digital brochure. They contain extensive and detailed information about a brand’s products/services. Some digital product catalogs also contain stories about the brand’s products/services. Businesses that have got a broad range of products/services often make great use of digital product catalogs. It’s easier for consumers to have a look at all that you offer at once rather than separately, therefore encouraging sales. Volvo’s digital catalog showcases their vehicle line for the Winter, individual parts, pricing information as well as the story inspired by the car line. 

11. Company Background

This provides a consumer with information about your type of business, its headquarters, and branches. Brief biographies of company managers and key staff are important. While this may easily be overlooked it greatly contributes to consumer trust towards your brand. Such a customer will be less hesitant to make purchases/subscriptions. 

12. Re-engagement Emails

These are sent to a customer encouraging them to finish purchasing/subscribing. They’re also utilized to make a customer aware of an opportunity to upgrade their product/service for a better experience. Reports show that as much as cart abandonment is approximately 67% up to 12% can be recovered via re-engagement emails.

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13. Portfolio

This is simply a collation of the projects you have completed thus far. It serves as a great way for customers to see your productivity. Additionally, this is a great way to showcase the delivery of what your brand advertises to be of high quality. For example, if you are a website designer, have an online portfolio to showcase all the websites you’ve designed before. 

14. Sales Presentation

This is a presentation that emphasizes the benefits of your product/service. These often aim to prove that the products/services can solve your audience’s problem. When a consumer is convinced that your product will be able to solve their problem, they feel more encouraged to make a purchase. 

15. Warranty Sheets

These guarantee a customer that if your product/service is not working well/unsatisfactory, repairs/compensation could be provided within a certain timeframe. It reassures the customer and they feel cared for and valued.

It’s important to note that these digital marketing materials could, and should be combined to effectively market your product/service digitally. For example, on your website, there could be a section that contains a blog and a CTA for a newsletter. Another section of your website could feature a downloadable catalog in the form of an ebook. Get creative with these materials.